Yesterday, I was thinking about how much we live our lives in our own little "bubbles." When I was at the eye doctor a few months ago, my doctor explained to me that since my eyes are unable to see far away, my brain has kind of developed this imaginary bubble around myself. Boy, did I understand what he was saying. My husband tells me that I don't look beyond a certain distance. I didn't know what he meant until the doctor explained this. The doctor told me that it is like I am in my own little world, without meaning to be of course. He continued to explain that even though I will be trying contacts out, I needed to train my brain to look beyond this "imaginary bubble."
Man... it hit me. Am I like that with people? Do I ignore those hurting around me because I am in my "own little world." I hope not! I know that I need to also train myself to look at those around me that need help or are hurting and be more like Christ.
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